Thursday, November 28, 2019

Edward Albee, The American Dream Essays - The American Dream

Edward Albee, The American Dream Edward Albees, The American Dream Edward Albee is considered by many to be one of the most influential playwrights of the seventeenth century. Albee wrote his plays around the typical themes associated with the American drama. They were not just plays about family life; instead, they frequently focused on family dysfunctions and the underlying motives of family structure. In his works, Albee portrays many of the concepts of the absurdism movement that had begun in Europe after World War II. This movement was a reaction to the many injustices brought along with the war itself. One of the major motifs present is the idea that the playwright possessed little or no concern for traditional play structure and form. A second prominent trait of the absurdism movement is the lack of effective communication between the plays major characters. Albees play, The American Dream, is an accurate depiction of the popular trends associated with the movements establishment in America. As Albee quotes, The play is an examination of the American Scene, an attack on the substitution of artificial for real values in out society, a condemnation of complacency, cruelty, emasculation and vacuity. The first conclusion that Albee makes in reference to The American Dream is that it is a portrayal of how artificial values have replaced real values in the American society. This theme is apparent in the study of how the family replaces Grandma with the Young Man. To Albee, Grandma represents the way life used to be, a time when real values and self-worth mattered. Grandma is an overall depiction of how Americans have not learned from their past. Instead, they talk past it and ignore its existence. Albee teaches that the past holds the truth to our future when he gives Grandma the ability to reveal the truth for Mrs. Bakers visit, and the knowledge that the Young Man is the identical twin of the familys first son. The familys ignorance of Grandma is obvious in analyzing her comment to Mrs. Baker; Oh my; that feels good. Its been so long since anybody had implored me. Do it again. Implore me some more. Mommy and Daddy have become accustomed to ignoring the old ways and looking for a new set of values. Throughout the course of the play, Mommy and Daddy are looking for satisfaction. Daddy says to Mommy, Thats the way things are today; you just cant get satisfaction; you just try. They are not happy with the way things are, representing the real values, and are trying to find satisfaction, or an artificial set of values. Mommy constantly threatens Grandma with being sent away to a nursing home, however, she explains to Mrs. Baker, Theres no such thing as the van man. There is no van man. Wewe made him up. However, when Grandma leaves, Mommy is deeply upset until she is surprised with the presence of the Young Man. The sole purpose for the parents keeping Grandma around is found in the fact that she represented the old set of values. They could not send her away until she had been replaced, replaced with a new, artificial set of values. Albees ideas toward the new set of values is present when the Young Man replies to Grandma, I have no talents at all, except what you seemy person; my body, my face. In every other way I am incomplete, and I must thereforecompensate. This new set of standards revolves around the artificial qualities of looks, money, and power. Albee also extends to comment that the American citizens have become complacent and self-satisfied. In the opening French scene, Mommy and Daddy are perfectly content sitting around waiting on the guest to arrive. To Albee this is not seen as a sign of laziness, but as a warning of the smugness to come. Also, throughout the play, Albee allows his characters the ability to relay such harsh realities, with no fervent emotion. As seen when Grandma explains the murder of the first son to Mrs. Baker, What did they do? Well, for the last straw, it finally up and died; and you can imagine how that made them feel, their having paid for it and all. Mommy also

Monday, November 25, 2019

Pili de-Shelling Machine(Unfinished) Essays

Pili de-Shelling Machine(Unfinished) Essays Pili de-Shelling Machine(Unfinished) Essay Pili de-Shelling Machine(Unfinished) Essay United State of America, p. 3 The New Lexicon Webster Dictionary Vol. 2, Lexicon Publication Inc. , United State Of America, p. 762 Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies which were gathered from books and other references including the internet in order to shed lights on areas that need enrichment and to give readers proper background of the present study being conducted. Included in this chapter is the synthesis of the state-of-the-art, theoretical and conceptual framework of the study. Related Literature The Pili nut (Canariumovatum), one of 600 species in the family Burseraceae, is native to the Philippines and is abundant and wild in the Bicol Region particularly in Sorsogon, and in parts of Visayas and Mindanao. Trees of Canariumovatum are attractive symmetrically shaped evergreens, averaging 20 m tall with resinous wood and resistance to strong wind. C. ovatum is dioecious, with flowers borne on cymose inflorescence at the leaf axils of young shoots. As in papaya and rambutan, functional hermaphrodites exist in pili. Pollination is by insects. Flowering of pili is frequent and fruits ripen through a prolonged period of time. The ovary contains three locules, each with two ovules, most of the time only one ovule develops (Chandler 1958). (en. wikipedia. org) Fruit is a drupe, 4 to 7 cm long, 2. 3 to 3. cm in diameter, and weight 15. 7 to 45. 7 g. The skin (exocarp) is smooth, thin, shiny, and turns purplish black as the fruit ripens. Much of the kernel weight is made up of the cotyledons, which are about 4. 1 to 16. 6% of the whole fruit; it is composed of approximately 8% carbohydrate, 11. 5 to 13. 9% protein, and 70% fat. (www. hort. purdue. edu) Pili nut kernel is the most important produ ct. When raw, it resembles the flavor of roasted pumpkin seed, and when roasted, its mild, nutty flavor and tender-crispy texture is superior to that of the almond. Pili kernel is also used in chocolate, icecream, and baked goods. The edible light-yellow color oil from the kernel is comparable in quality to that of olive oil, containing 59. 6% oleic glycerides and 38. 2% palmitic glycerides. The largest buyers of pili nuts are in Hong Kong and Taiwan, the kernel is one of the major ingredients in one type of the famous Chinese festive desserts known as the moon cake. (www. hort. purdue. edu en. wikipedia. org) From Christian B. de Guzman, the Philippines is the only country that produces and processes pili in commercial quantity (Coronel, 1978) and has the monopoly of processed pili in the foreign market. Bicol Region is known for its pili candies and confectioneries which are sold in different product forms and in various packaging containers. These products are exported to Australia, Guam, Canada, Japan, Hongkong, China, UK, Korea, Singapore, Hawaii, Germany, France and the United States. (www. pinoybisnes. com) Pili nut is a minor crop produced only in the Philippines. The bulk of the raw nuts are supplied from wild stands in the mountains around Sorsogon, Albay and Camarines Sur in the Bicol region. Pili nut has the potential to become a major nut crop. Improvement of nd knowledge in efficient vegetative propagation, ecological and cultural requirements of pili as a commercial crop, and the mechanization for commercial processing are needed. Related Study In the study of Ojolo and Ogunsina (2009), they developed a prototype machine to crack roasted cashew nuts. It is a box like machine that has a hinged and spring-loaded mild steel cracking lid with grooves to hold a cast aluminum feeding tray which has machined to hold 25 nuts at a time. The nuts get cracked by the impact of the lid against the feeding tray. The lid provides for a minimum clearance from the feeding ray on which nuts are preloaded; this prevents the applied force from being in excess of the required cracking force. The machine was tested with various cashew nut sizes and placement orientations. The percentage of whole kernels produce was 66. 66%. The capacity of the machine was estimated to be about 18. 3 kg/hr. Another study is headed by Engr. Arnulfo P. Malinis (2009), it is entitled â€Å"Pili Nut Cracker Goes High-tech†. The Bicol University college of Agriculture and Forestry (BUCAF) in collaborator with the Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Postharvest Research and Extension (DA-BPRE), Tropics Agro-Industries (KOLBI) and DA-Regional Field Unit (RFU) 5 developed the latest mechanical pili nut cracker because of the need for appropriate tools and equipment in processing pili nut. The prototype was consisted of six-blade cracker powered by a 1 Hp electric motor. The motor’s energy consumption is 0. 41 kW-hr. The machine consists of fine major parts: the cracking unit, conveying unit, stand/frame, transmission, and prime mover. The prototype was tested using three major parameters: cracking capacity, the cracking efficiency and economic viability. Technology verification of the prototype showed that on the average, it can crack 204 pieces of pili nut in a minute (117 kg/hr) with a cracking efficiency averaging 93% with 89% whole kernel recovery. It is one-man operated machine that could crack bags of dried pili nuts. For eight hours a day, the simple machine could crack 16 bags of dried nuts. To produce the machine an outlay amounting to 40,000 php is needed and they guaranteed that the return of investment is 53% after more than a year of use. Synthesis of the State-of-the-Art The development of the mechanical pili nut cracker is somehow similar to the present study since the researchers aimed to make improvement as to create a possibility of including a motor powered pili de-shilling machine for future research. However, they differ especially in terms of capability and speed, the only advantage of the present study is that: because of being simple of the propose machine, it is easy to carry for a farmer bringing to his farm besides of a mountain than to bring the mechanical pili nut cracker at here. It is more comparable to bring a one especially when you home is far from the place where your pili trees is planted. Also, from your farm you can sell your pili nuts at the price that you want and making the most of the benefits of it is in you because you’re brought pili are all kernels than if you brought pili with shells, after at home, you will de-shell it or you will sell it at a low price. The development of a C ashew Nut Cracking Device is posed similarities in part that the present study is also use a tray for the nuts are hold. They both use the impact force for the cracking of the shells of the nuts. But they differ on the method to make the nuts cracked. Instead of using hinged and spring-loaded mild steel cracking lid, the researchers using in their machine a weighted blocked that is hang on the pulleys. The cashew cracking device is having grooves to hold 25 nuts at a time while the pili de-shelling machine is fabricated a beehive-like tray to hold 17 pili nuts at a time. Cashew nuts get cracked by the impact of the lid against the feeding tray, however pili nuts get crack by the impact of the loosened weighted block at the upper blade which is have direct contact to the shell and the bounce back impact to the lower blade that is also with direct contact to the shell. In cashew cracking device, the lid provides for a minimum clearance from the feeding tray on which nuts are preloaded to prevent the applied force from being excess of the required cracking force. In pili de-shelling machine, it provides a stopper at the both side of the metal plate where the upper and lower blades are attached for it does not excess on the required cut deep needed. Cashew cracking device was tested with various cashew nut and placement orientations, throughout the pili nut will be test with various pili nut sizes but instead of placement orientation, another test is getting how much weight of the weighted block must be needed to crack all pili nuts in the beehive-like tray. Theoretical Framework This study anchored to the law of Isaac Newton, the Third Law of Newton’s Theory. It state that ‘for every action there is an equal and opposite re-action’. The researchers use this theory in respect on the process of cracking the pili shell. Because of being brittle of pili shell, the researchers themselves conclude that it needs only a little amount of force to crack the shell. In relevant with the theory, since the force is going down because of the blowing of the weighted bar, the researchers put a blade under the tray suite in every hole where pili are placed. If the weighted block is blow down it produce impact and the big pili will crack surely but for the small pili, the under blade is designed. For if the upper blade cannot reached the shell of the small pili, the impact of the block will help to crack the shell because it have a another blade under the tray. Pili Nuts Third Law of Newton’s Theory Or The Third Law of Motion Pili De-Shelling Machine Figure 1. Theoretical Paradigm Conceptual Framework The conceptual framework of this study was based on the system concept. A system consists of three elements, the input, the process and the output. The input, which is actually the load of the system, consists of all things that enter the system. In this study, the input refers to the pili nuts, which is the main objective of this study to be process and the machine if it is more efficient than to the existing. The process which study, the process refers to research method to be used. The tools in gathering data and procedures of interpretation are also written. The output will be the result of the study after analyzing the data related to the problem under study. The summary reports about the application of the propose principles, if it is more efficient or not to the existing. PROCESS Application of the propose principle to the machine to be actualize its process and gathering data to show if it is more efficient OUTPUT Efficient and economical pili de-shelling machine INPUT Pili de-shelling machine FEEDBACK Figure 2. Conceptual Paradigm Notes Francis T. Zee, Pili Nut. hort. purdue. edu/newcrop/cropfactsheets/pilinut. html, 2005 Richard A. Hamilton, Planting Pili Trees: An Economical Value for the Philippines. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Pili_nut, 2008. Christmas B. De Guzman, Pili Nuts and It’s Uses, pinoybisnes. om/agri-business/pili-nuts-and-its-uses. July, 2010 Rita T. Dela Cruz and ARnulfo Malinis, Pili nut cracker goes high-tech. http://blog. agriculture. ph/pili-nut-cracker-goes-high-tech. html, March 03, 2009 S. J. Ojolo and B. S. Ogunsina, Development of a Cashew Nut Cracking Device, emeraldinsight. com/journals. htm? articleid=1876508show=html, Febraury,2009 Chapter 3 RESEARCH METHOD AND PROCEDURES This chapter presents the research methods a nd procedures that was utilized in the study. The step by step process of development was the highlight of this chapter. Also discussed was the scientific principles behind the development of the pili de-shelling machine. Methodology The researchers will be using experimental method on a basis of actual values of weight, dimensions or sizes of parts needed for constructing the machine. We will do some trials to test the weight of the block and even the velocity of the block distance per unit time of travel. The primary function of this test is to assure that the entire pili nut in the case will crack. The cracking ability of the machine will depend in the case, composes of two parts, the upper and the lower part. The lower part, there is a tray where the pili nut put in and the lower blade. The upper part has a cover to prevent the movement of the pili nut and where the upper blade attached. Other mechanisms that are part of the case are the stopper, the base, the poles and the upper brazed. In the pulling of the rope, the force you will exert is not too large. It is in the range of 8. 8 to 17. 6 lb more or less. It’s like you pulling a toy car weighing 4 to 8 kg. It is easy to pull because it have a wheels same as this machine. We connect pulley to resist the friction while in operation. With it comes to actual constructing of machine we will make it adjustable. For example, the weighted block can be adjustable by adding another weight to satisfy the required weights needed. The stopper is also adjustable by little-by-little subtracting a height to make get the appropriate height needed. Research Procedure The researchers use a questionnaire to gathered data to answer the problem whether the machine is gender friendly or not and to get the idea of the respondents for the specified improvements given by the researchers. The esearchers selected 10 farmers or sellers randomly who are active in pili farming or selling in Daet, Camarines Norte. The researchers use a time frame to make the research possible. But because of some conflictions to the other subjects of the researchers, they made more adjustments to their time frame. The researchers also use to pattern some of their paper works on the undergraduate thesis that are place at the school library. Assembly and Const ructions This part deals the procedure on how the machine works and operates. 1. The beehive-like tray Here, where pili nuts are place. Because of being like of the beehive holes, the pili is easily shoot and place when you droop it of your hands. 2. The amazing case Here, the upper and lower blades are located. In this part, the beehive-like tray with pili nuts is inserted between the two blades. The upper blade is adjustable for the variation of pili nuts height while the lower blade is fixed on the base. 3. The base, poles and the upper braze The poles are attached to the base at the lower part and the upper braze is on top of it. In the base, the lower blade of the amazing case is in fixed and the upper braze, where the pulley is in place. The poles signify for the approaching height of the weighted block when it drops. 4. The pulley and the rope The rope is attach to the weighted block while the pulley made the pulling of the rope easy for the weighted block goes to it’s initial position. 5. The weighted block It gives the biggest contribution on the machine. The force that can get from falling of it from its initial position serves as to push the upper blade and bounce back by the lower blade. That is why, the pili nuts inserted in between of it where nothing to go but to crack. Statistics Tools CHAPTER 4 Pili De-Shelling Machine For Small Scale Farmers This chapter present and interprets the data gathered by the researchers about getting the efficiency of the Pili De-Shelling Machine. The details are focused on calculating the cracking capacity, the kernel recovery and if the machine is gender friendly, including the economic viability of the machine in compare to the existing and improvements that can be adopted to enhance the machine efficiency. Preliminary test were carried out with dry-rousted pili nuts to determine the performance of the machine. Table 1 and 2 indicates on how to measure the said performance. By using the tables, it will help to give a scientific discussion on how to treat the data. I. The efficiency rate of pili de-shelling machine Table 1: Cracking Capacity Sample| Cracked nuts (pcs)| Time of Operation (s)| 1| | | 2| | | 3| | | 5| | | Mean| | | Table 2: Kernel Recovery Sample| Whole Kernel| Broken Kernel| 1| | | 2| | | 3| | | 5| | | Mean| | | Table 3: Gender Friendliness Respondents| Yes| No| 1| | | | | | 3| | | 5| | | 6| | | 7| | | 8| | | 9| | | 10| | | Mean| | | II. Economic Viability III. Possible Improvements CHAPTER 5 Summary, Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations Summary Removing pili kernel on its shell is one problem that farmers encounter in producing high quality of kernel. Manual operation using bolo is time consuming and sometimes it cannot guarantee to produce high quality kernel becaus e this method can damage essential parts of a kernel. As time goes by, there are many machines that have been invented in order to help people to make their work easier. There are even machines that were invented for pili shelling however, none of these have the quality of being economically friendly especially to the small-scale farmers who are working in the Philippines. This idea gives the researchers a motivation to develop a machine that can produce more and high quality pili kernel at low cost, easy to operate and practical for small-scale farmers and sellers. The machine that proposes by the researchers is based on the theory of Isaac Newton which is the law of motion. In this theory it says that every action has an equal and opposite reaction that’s why the researchers use a weighted block as the source of force so that it can crack the pili shell. The researchers was also designed the special tray that is suitable to sizes of pili which is ranging of 4 to 7 cm long, 2. 3 to 3. 8 cm in diameter. This special tray had also blade at the bottom and upper part so that it can assure to crack the pili shell when the weighted block was dropped. This machine also composed of other parts like rope, pulley and stopper. The purpose of pili de-shelling machine especially to the small scale farmers and sellers is to produce pili kernel without using fuel or electricity to operate the machine. As of now the world was suffering to the decreasing source of energy especially fuel, that’s why we need to think another solution to do the same work without consuming a fuel. Pili de-shelling machine was designed in order to help small scale farmers but also the world especially our nature to control the decreasing source of energy. This project aimed to help pili farmers and sellers in their de-shelling operation of pili nuts. The purpose of this study is to develop a pili de-shelling machine that can produce good quality pili kernels with easy operation, it could be economical and in a short period of time. The study was conducted to determine the efficiency and probably economic viability of the proposed fabricated pili de-shelling machine in comparison with other existing pili crackers and sighted some improvements for the machine. The researchers measured the property of pili de-shelling machine in terms of its cracking capacity, kernel recovery and if it was gender friendly. They compare the proposed machine to the existing pili crackers to determine its economic viability. Also, the researchers cited some improvements that could adopted to enhance the capability of the pili de-shelling machine. Findings I. II. III. Conclusions I. II. III. Recommendations I. II. III. IV. Additional Recommendations Curriculum Vitae Personal Data Name : Christian Jess A. Natan Nickname:Nathz Contact No. :09103842029 Address:Pob. I, Basud, Camarines Norte Date of Birth:December 22, 1990 Place of Birth:QMMC, Quezon City Father’s Name:Roberto E. Natan Mother’s Name:Jocelyn A. Natan Religion:Born Again Christian Educational Background Elementary:Mangcamagong Elem. School(S. Y. 2002-2003) Mangcamagong, Basud, Camarines Norte Secondary:Basud National High School(S. Y. 2006-2007) Basud, Camaries Norte Tertiary:Camarines Norte State College(S. Y. 2011-2012) Daet, Camarines Norte Course:Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Curriculum Vitae Personal Data Name :Edwin T. Bombales Nickname:Edz Contact No. :09463127539 Address:Brgy. Mangga, Sipocot, Camarines Norte Date of Birth:February 07, 1988 Place of Birth:Brgy. Mangga, Sipocot, Camarines Norte Father’s Name:Eduardo T. Bombales Mother’s Name:Beatriz T. Bombales Religion:Roman Catholic Educational Background Elementary:Mangga Elem. School(S. Y. 2000-2001) Brgy. Mangga, Sipocot, Camarines Norte Secondary:Barcelonita Fisheries School(S. Y. 2004-2005) Barcelonita, Cabusau, Camarines Sur Tertiary:Camarines Norte State College(S. Y. 2011-2012) Daet, Camarines Norte Course:Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Curriculum Vitae Personal Data Name :Karlo Jamie A. Ong Nickname:Kaloy Contact No. :09095699023 Address:p-3, Brgy. Calintaan, Talisay, Camarines Norte Date of Birth:February 12, 1991 Place of Birth:Brgy. 7, Daet, Camarines Norte Father’s Name:James S. Ong Mother’s Name:Rosemarie A. Ong Religion:Roman Catholic Educational Background Elementary:Talisay Elem. School(S. Y. 2000-2001) Talisay, Camarines Norte Secondary:D. Q. Liwag High School(S. Y. 2006-2007) Sto. Domingo, Vinzons, Camarines Norte Tertiary:Camarines Norte State College(S. Y. 2011-2012) Daet, Camarines Norte Course:Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Price and Demand Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Price and Demand - Research Paper Example the change in quantity demanded will be different for an equal change in price of substitutes as compared to compliments. With substitute goods such as brands of cereal or washing powder, an increase in the price of one good will lead to an increase in demand for the rival product. Cross price elasticity will be positive. With goods that are in complementary demand such as the demand for DVD players and DVD videos, when there is a fall in the price of DVD players we expect to see more DVD players bought, leading to an expansion in market demand for DVD videos [1]. In case of substitutes people abandon an expensive product to get its substitute at lower rate. It is so because substitute is a good which is indistinguishable in use from another. If two goods are perfect substitutes, their prices must be the same if both are to be used: the elasticity of substitution between them is infinite, and any price difference will lead to all consumers choosing the cheaper [2]. But, complimentary goods will see an increase in demand for both of the goods as people have to buy both of them to get benefited. But weak compliments will have inelastic cross elasticity of demand and close compliments will have elastic cross elasticity of demand. With an increase in demand, price of a product moves in the upward direction. ... But, complimentary goods will see an increase in demand for both of the goods as people have to buy both of them to get benefited. But weak compliments will have inelastic cross elasticity of demand and close compliments will have elastic cross elasticity of demand. All this implies that an increase in price in one market leads to an increase in demand in another market but the amount of change will be always be different for compliments and substitutes. 1. 2. JOHN BLACK. "perfect substitute." A Dictionary of Economics. 2002. HighBeam Research. 17 Apr. 2009 Part b) Explain why an increase in supply in a market has different effects in the short run and the long run. Use a diagram and relevant examples; refer to the concept of elasticity. (50%) With an increase in demand, price of a product moves in the upward direction. Considering this increased price, producers start to produce more goods to earn more profit. When looking at things from other direction, you can say that producers have to deal with an increased marginal cost of production to increase the output and they can produce more things only if they get more money to cover their marginal cost of production. However, the increase in supply usually creates an impact on the overall market but the amount of increase is different due to different factors. Following are few of the factors affecting supply of a product. Price of relevant resources Price of substitutes State of technology Expectations of producers Number of producers available in a market Now, these are the factors other than the price of a product that can affect

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Global Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Global Economics - Essay Example Such was the case that by the end of 2002, a trend of account deficit has been established with statistics citing that foreign direct investment leads the US investment abroad by $2,387 billion. (Bureau of Economic Analysis) The lead has the tradition of roughly doubling year after year. â€Å"Attracted by the prospect of higher yields, foreigners channel their savings into the United States and fill the growing wedge between domestic investment and savings. In the process, aggregate demand also expands, causing the current account deficit to widen.† (Humpage 2004) We cite a specific example: During 1990s, â€Å"three interrelated factors are primarily responsible for most of the decline in the current-account balance since 1991. One was the relatively rapid growth of income in the United States compared with that in other major industrialized countries over most of the period. Another important factor was a surge in foreign demand for dollar assets in the late 1990s, which contributed to a higher dollar exchange rate and lower U.S. interest rates. Finally, a drop in the national saving rate owing to a rising federal deficit has helped push the current-account balance lower since 2001.† (CBO, 2004) The current account deficit poses a problem in several ways. One of the biggest consequences here is the idea that foreign investors and savers have established a significant financial claim on the United States and its domestic resources. (Allen, p. 145) In equal gravity, â€Å"the United States has slipped – suddenly and dramatically – from being the world’s largest creditor country to being the world’s largest debtor.† (Bryant and Holtham, p. 57) On a more specific note, Bryant and Holtham illustrated that with regards to merchandise trade deficit, there is a threat of recession when there is an excess of imports over exports as it significantly drags down the economy. By the end of 2006 it is projected that

Monday, November 18, 2019

Big 4 Writing Samples Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Big 4 Writing Samples - Personal Statement Example My father’s employees were people of very high intelligence and their dedication to work helped my father’s business thrive. The customers that patronize us daily also taught me some lessons about life; my father’s business enjoys a daily influx of customers and while we try to satisfy our customers, I discovered that human needs are insatiable. Working with my father’s employees and trying hard to please our customers was really challenging. These has become my greatest accomplishment as I am well-equipped to deal with problems, no matter the complexity. The challenges I faced with my father’s customers would help me cope with the problems I would have to solve in the Big 4 accounting firms. It would also make my work a lot easier. I believe that I have the necessary skill and experience to join the great team of the Big 4 accounting firms. I am also optimistic that working in the Big 4 accounting firms would help me get to the peak of my career. I am ready to give my best to the Big 4 accounting firms and would also contribute to the growth of the

Friday, November 15, 2019

Asthma Essay With Conclusions

Asthma Essay With Conclusions Asthma is one of the major chronic respiratory conditions which alter the respiratory function of the body. The World Health Organisation or WHO (2012) defines asthma as a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways characterised by frequent episodes of breathlessness and wheezing. This difficulty in breathing is caused by the swelling and constricting of the airways. Exposure to allergens, pollutants, cold air, infection and exercise can increase the risk of asthmatics having an attack (Funnel, Koutoukidis and Lawrence 2009). This essay will discuss on the pathophysiology, diagnosis, medical management and clinical manifestations of asthma. It will also cover the client education needed to provide for those with asthma, asthmas risk factors and its prognosis. According to the National Asthma Council of Australia or NACA (2006) more than 2.2 million Australians are suffering from asthma. This essay will therefore also describe how asthma impacts on its victims and their life style. Kaufman (2011) describes the pathophysiology of asthma as a pathologic condition which affects the lower respiratory tract by narrowing the airways as a result of epithelial damage, excessive mucus production, oedema, bronchoconstriction and muscle damage. In asthma the cells in the epithelium layer can be destroyed and peel away, making the respiratory tract more susceptible to allergens and infections, thereby contributing to airway hyper-responsiveness (Kaufman 2011). Asthma also triggers the development of mucus cells and mucus glands. This increases mucus production, thus forming mucous plugs which can obstruct the airways (Monahan et al. 2007). Airway oedema is another change that occurs in the respiratory tract due to asthma. It involves the dilation and leaking of capillaries in the airway walls which limits airflow (Kaufman 2011). Monahan et al. (2007) add that increased capillary permeability and leakage can obstruct the airways due to swelling. They also explain that the i nflammatory agents such as histamine, tryptase, leukotriences and prostaglandins act on smooth muscles of airway walls and cause bronchoconstriction which restricts the airflow to alveoli. Brown and Edwards (2012) write that wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness and cough are the most common clinical manifestations of asthma. They can occur especially at night and in the early morning and can vary from person to person. It is not necessary to have all the symptoms at once as different symptoms can occur at different times. According to NACA (2006) frequent cough, feeling weak, wheezing after exercise, shortness of breath and sleeping difficulties can be early signs of asthma while severe wheezing, continuous cough, rapid breathing, anxiety, chest pain, blue lips and fingernails are the symptoms of severe asthma attacks. Diagnosing asthma can be done by obtaining a detailed history, performing physical examinations, pulmonary function testing, and laboratory assessments (Ignatavicius and Workman 2010) According to Ignatavicius and Workman (2010) it is important to ask patients about any experiences of having shortness of breath, cough, chest tightness, wheeze and increased mucus production as well as about their smoking habits and any family history of asthma. The same source write that physical examinations can be performed by listening to the patients chest for any wheezing sounds and observing respiratory effort by assessing the respiratory rate and examining whether the patient is using any accessory muscles to breathe. They add that the shape of the chest also needs to be examined, as a barrel-shaped chest can be a sign of prolonged asthma. In addition, the oral mucosa and nail beds need to be examined for any bluish tinge (Ignatavicius and Workman 2010). Ignatavicius and Workman (2010) write that pulmonary function tests (PFTs), usually using spirometry, are the most accurate tests that can be performed to diagnose asthma. According to the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (2012) this test measures how much air the patient can breathe in and out as well as how fast the patient can exhale it. Christensen and Kockrow (2011) add that PFTs determine the reversibility of bronchoconstriction which helps to diagnose asthma. In addition, arterial blood gases testing (ABGs) and sputum for culture testing are both laboratory tests that can be used to diagnose asthma further. The results of ABGs are used to assess the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the blood during an asthma attack, while the presence of eosinophils is assessed in sputum testing (Monahan et al. 2007). Finally, chest X-rays can be used to track any changes in chest structure such as hyperinflation, mucous build up and lung collapse (Brown Edwards 2012). There is no known cure for asthma. Its medical management therefore involves managing its symptoms, either by maintaining stability with long term medications or quickly relieving symptoms of an attack (Brown Edwards 2012). Christensen and Kockrow (2011) write that maintenance drugs aim to prevent and minimize asthmas symptoms but need to be taken regularly. According to Tiziani (2010) these drugs are called symptom controllers. They include salmeterol and formoterol, (catergorised as long acting beta-2-agonists), and inhaled corticosteroids such as fluticasone and budesonide. Leukotriene modifiers are also used for the treatment of chronic asthma (Christensen and Kockrow 2011). Symptom relievers, on the other hand, are used for the immediate treatment and relief of symptoms in an acute asthma attack. They include short-acting beta-2 agonists (Salbutamol, terbutaline), oral or IV corticosteroids and epinephrine (Christensen and Kockrow 2011). According to Christensen and Kockrow (2011) short-acting beta-2-agonists are the most effective drugs for relieving asthma symptoms. They add that epinephrine can be administered subcutaneously and intramuscularly when asthmas symptoms cannot be relieved by beta-2-agonists. Oxygen therapy is also an essential immediately treatment for an acute asthma attack, write Christensen and Kockrow (2011). Because of the absence of a cure and a need for its management, client education on managing asthma is an important role undertaken by health care professionals. Clients should be educated about the signs and symptoms of asthma and its triggers, in order to lessen and prevent asthma attacks (Monahan et al. 2007). According to Ignatavicius and Workman (2010) clients should also be educated to assess their respiratory status, take their medication at the correct dosage and determine when to see their health professionals. Clients therefore need to be educated about the method of using peak flow meters, metered dose inhalers and inhalers with spacers. Monahan et al. (2007) add that a nurse should teach relaxation exercises to patients and the importance of not smoking. Ignatavicius and Workman (2010) describe that patients also need to be educated to have adequate rest and sleep, proper nutrition and fluid intake. According to NACA (2012) the risk factors of asthma are allergens, pollutants, drugs, infections, smoking, occupational factors, exercise and temperature change. Allergens known to trigger asthma include house dust mites, animal fur, moulds, pollens, tobacco smoke, bushfire smoke, paint fumes, household cleaning products and air pollutants (National Asthma Council Australia 2012). Asprin, other NSAIDs and complementary medicines can trigger asthma as well, according to Brown and Edwards (2012). Cold and flu can act as infection triggers while dust, chemicals and stress are considered occupational factors that can trigger an attack. The prognosis of asthma, however, is generally good because it can be managed by proper and timely treatment. According to Harvey (2011) most deaths from asthma are preventable, while mild to moderate asthma can be improved with proper management, making some adults symptom-free. Severe episodes also can be managed, depending on the treatment and the degree of obstruction in the airways. On the other hand, asthma causes irreversible problems in lung function for about 10% of patients even though it is well treated while poor treatment and control can lead to prolonged asthma and permanent disabilities (Harvey 2011). Other relevant information about asthma includes 235 million people suffering from it globally, with most asthma-related deaths occurring in lower and middle income countries (WHO 2012). In addition, the prevalence of asthma increases with the age and it is also more common in females than males after the teenage years (AIHW 2012). According to Andrews (2010) fruits and vegetables in the diet improve lung function while foods rich in Omega 3, (such as fish, sardines and salmon), helps to prevent asthmas symptoms. Asthma is a disease which affects people physically, psychologically and socially as well. Gelfland (2008) writes that its coughing, breathlessness, wheezing and chest tightness affects the wellbeing of the client, limiting their involving in normal day to day activities. He also states that the condition keeps some children from going to school and some adults from work. According to the Australian Centre for Asthma Monitoring or ACAM (2004) 20% of children with asthma report not being involved in any physical activities such as playing and riding bicycles and of feeling anger, frustration and social isolation. Asthmas limiting of activities means life is felt to be more difficult as assistance is needed for activities such as shopping and housework. The National Sleep Foundation (2011) describes how most people with asthma suffer from coughing, wheezing and short of breath in night which prevents them getting enough sleep and makes them more anxious and weak. The effects during an asthma attack can also be serious. Fear and anxiety can rise, even the fear of dying due to the experience of shortness of breath. Fear of an attack can cause constant anxiousness among some asthmatics (University of Chicago Department of Medicine 2007). Asthmas discomfort and stress can also make some persons more aggressive, or to lose control of their lives, leading to less self care in general (University of Chicago Department of Medicine 2007). ACAM (2004) adds that an asthmatic can feel embarrassment over taking their medications and can also develop stress and confusion as they try to understand their asthma. ACAM (2004) also describes an Australian study that showed children and adolescents with asthma having lower self esteem, more behavioural problems, poor physical and mental status and worse sole functioning dimensions than others without it. In addition, asthma can socially isolate people by restricting their participation in social events, limiting their working and other activities, taking more sick days at work and engaging in avoidance behaviour that impairs relationships with family, friends, relatives and colleagues (ACAM 2004). Asthma can also create financial problems due to long term work limitations and decreased education. Sufferers are therefore more likely to experience anxiety, stress and depression (ACAM 2004). Conclusion In conclusion asthma can be described as a chronic respiratory condition which can be identified by breathing difficulty, wheezing, cough and chest tightness. Narrowing and swelling of the airways and increased mucus production are the major episodes looked for to establish an asthma condition. Physical examinations, pulmonary function tests, blood tests and chest X-rays are also used to determine asthma. The medications used to manage asthma long term are symptom preventers and symptom controllers. Symptom reliever medications are used for the immediate control of its symptoms. Inhalation or ingestion of allergens and pollutants, exposure to cold weather, exercises, infections and occupational factors such as dust and chemicals can be considered asthmas risk factors, and healthcare professionals need to provide client education in order to prevent and minimize asthma attacks. Chronic asthma conditions affect client physical, psychological and social wellbeing.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The American Civil War was Unavoidable Essay -- American history, econ

If one thing is clear from studying early American history, it is that the Civil War was an unavoidable tragedy. Often, hindsight allows us to recognize those points at which history could have taken a different direction, if only some person or thing were different in some way. This is not the case with the American Civil War. Four factors support the notion of inevitability. This paper will explore the way that economics, previous compromises, changing social mores and values, and the nature of politics laid a foundation for the continued regional conflict which eventually resulted in the Civil War. The economic aspects often come in second to morality when discussing slavery in the South’s plantation economy, but they are worth considering as they are fundamental to why slavery as an institution became so hard to dismantle. Slavery kept plantations partially immune from market fluctuations. Having no labor costs allowed the Southern, less diversified economy to be competitive with the North and European countries. For this reason, slavery became a crucial factor in keeping many industries viable and profitable, including primary and secondary manufacturing, transportation, shipping, and public sector jobs such as infrastructure construction (Starobin, 1970). The South’s financial success was built on a foundation of slave labor, and for this reason, the government had an incentive for the active promotion and protection of slavery. Laws were written to help maintain the institution because without it, the economy would likely have faltered significantly. Early c olonial laws such as the Navigation Acts gave slavery conditions under which it thrived and grew (Post, 1982). The Constitution’s Three-Fifths clause was a... ...continue in this country and around the world to this day. Works Cited History Detectives. (n.d.). Web. 10 Nov. 2015. Justice. (n.d.). Web. 10 Nov. 2015. Post, C. (1982). The American road to capitalism. New Left Review, 133(1), 30-51. Roark, J.L., Johnson, M. P., Cohen, P. C., Stage, S., Lawson, A., Hartmann, S. M. (2009). The American Promise: A History of the United States to 1877. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s. Starobin, R. (1970). The economics of Slavery in the Old South. The Business History Review, Vol. 44 (2). 131-174. Trigger events of the Civil War. (n.d.). Web. 10 Nov. 2015.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Dutiful Characters of Ibsen and Sophocles Essay

Nora of Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House, and Antigone of Antigone (by Sophocles) have all had circumstances pitted against them, yet within these unfavourable circumstances they have duties to perform. Their constraints as women or as people whose destinies are governed by fate have caused them to be without pleasing options in their situations—and through the performance of their duties fate often does its work. They have both acted in ways that cause them to be viewed as the dutiful characters in their stories. Where there have been successes, the achievement of their goals against odds reveals them as hardworking characters who shift to accommodate and adjust to the vicissitudes of life, and who are able to defy hardship and even death to do their duties to those for whom they feel loyalty. The situation given Antigone is not one that can be taken lightly, as defiance of authority within that culture of ancient Greece had the ability to ruin an individual. Such an individual would have to be sure that he or she was acting in accordance with the wishes of the gods. In the play, Antigone is concerned that the lack of burial for her brother (who in her opinion had done no wrong) should be an affront to the gods. Even so, if it was not disliked by the gods, she was willing to defy them in order to satisfy herself—for it was an affront to her and she considered it her duty to rectify the situation. It was a dangerous thing for Antigone to find herself in defiance of the gods (who control fate) and of the king Creon. Her father, Oedipus had in his day found himself on the wrong side of Fate and was ruined as a result (Oedipus, the King). As the daughter of a cursed man, Antigone knew that her fate could be an unfavorable one and that it would serve her best to act in accordance with the wishes of the gods. Yet her duty to her brother was stronger, and she acted as she wished and sealed her fate. In A Doll’s House, Nora’s duty is toward her family as Antigone’s has been, and she too defies odds in order to fulfill them. As Nora reveals her hardships to Mrs. Linde, it is evident that she has tried many ways to create favorable circumstances for her husband. As a dutiful wife, she has made many attempts to create a good home. In order to do this, she embarks on the business of borrowing money so that her family might be able to meet its obligations. She proves herself able to deny her wants in order to fulfill her own obligations to the debt. She uses all the devices she as a woman possesses toward the fulfillment of the goal. She proves herself better equipped than even her husband who, possessing the abilities and opportunities of a man, has not shown half the resourcefulness she has, nor has he accomplished as much. In examining the actions of Antigone, one can demonstrate precisely how she showed her dutifulness throughout the play. She begins by defying the decree of the king, who has denied burial to her brother. Antigone initially asks her sister to help with the burial, â€Å"Will you help these hands take up Polyneices’ corpse and bury it? † (lines 52-53). This plea for help demonstrates how natural Antigone felt her duty toward her brother to be. She expected her sister to share it without question. However, even after her sister refuses, she shows her duty in her ability to act given limited resources in her willingness to do all herself. Upon her sister’s refusal, she replies â€Å"I’ll do my duty to my brother—and yours as well, if you’re not prepared to. I won’t be caught betraying him† (lines 56-58). Though she is not able to influence her sister, she is still demonstrates determination to perform her duty in her ability to create the situation she desires. It is also possible to track the areas in which Nora has shown herself dutiful—and in her duty, resourceful. In the years following the incident, she has managed to repay most of her loan without help, sacrificing the scant pleasures of her life. She relays this here: â€Å"It has been no joke to meet my engagements punctually. You must know, Christina, that in business there are things called installments, and quarterly interest, that are terribly hard to provide for. So I’ve had to pinch a little here and there, wherever I could. † This demonstrates the duty that she has to her husband, children and the service of her debt. She does not show the strain that must have been upon her—remaining strong to her children as a dutiful mother should. She succeeds in single-handedly turning around the fate of her family, while continuing. Her burden was often great, as she expresses, â€Å"sometimes I was so tired, so tired. And yet it was splendid to work in that way and earn money. I almost felt as if I was a man. † Her power of conformity allowed her to transform from passive wife to active and dutiful breadwinner, as she assumes a role generally reserved for those the opposite sex. In both A Doll’s House and Antigone, other characters’ failures in their duty serve to strengthen the effect of the duties performed by Antigone and Nora. Creon (the king) might be seen as dutiful because he carries out the decrees of his throne unrelentingly. Yet, in all his power and his attempts at duty, he fails in comparison to Antigone who braves death in her performance of her duty. All Creon’s power does not gain Antigone’s obedience, and though he declares of Polyneices, â€Å"He’ll be left unburied, his body there for birds and dogs to eat† (lines 234-5) his word is unheeded by Antigone so that what he says will not happen does in fact happen. Antigone’s sense of duty allows her the fortitude to face a king who is backed by an army. She knows that Creon is able to command the country’s armed forces and have her banished or killed for her deed, and yet her loyalty to her brother impels her toward committing the act of defiance. Antigone proves to be the writer of her own fate, and accepts death for the sake of her duty toward her brother. She says, â€Å"Take me and kill me† (line 565) demanding (and receiving) her own death. Ismene, like Creon, can hardly be considered dutiful in that she expresses no real wish to be loyal (at all costs) to her brother. Though she too loved her brother, she fears the power that Creon has to banish or kill dissenters. Her speeches are mainly questions and demonstrate no inclination toward action. She says, â€Å"What? You’re going to bury Polyneices, when that’s been made a crime for all in Thebes? † (lines 54-55). Here she subtly refuses to help Antigone and demonstrates even further the lack of duty she feels. Yet in the face of Antigone’s strong feelings of duty, Ismene cannot prevent the action. Much later when Antigone knows she will die, Ismene asks, â€Å"Even now is there some way I can help? † (line 631). She asks to help now, when she refused her help before, and this reflects not duty but an attempt to pretend loyalty when she knows that no help is now possible. She stands for very little, making very few statements or declarations, and proves herself to be among the least dutiful characters of the play. Again in Ibsen’s A Doll’s House, Nora demonstrates her ability to perform her duties in her dealings with Krogstad. Here, though she is at a disadvantage, she still manages to a large extent to direct the courses of action—showing that her resourcefulness comes to her aid in performing her duties. She is not afraid to stoop to manipulation in order that her obligations are fulfilled. She knows when to act and when to be still and let others do the acting for her. Though she appears not to, she directs Mrs. Linde to use her influence with Krogstad to help her in her situation. After pouring out her woes to Mrs. Linde, Nora makes a false attempt to deter her when she offers to talk to Krogstad. Nora says, â€Å"Don’t; he’ll do you some harm,† fully knowing it to be untrue. Nora’s follow up to this deterrent almost nullifies it: â€Å"Here’s his card. But the letter, the letter-! † This ability to manipulate people and situations is also evidence of the extents to which she will go in order to fulfil her duty to her husband. In contrast to this, Mrs. Linde’s attempt at dutifulness within her own marriage and after pale in comparison to Nora’s She has tried her hand at business, she says, â€Å"I had to fight my way by keeping a shop, a little school, anything I could turn my hand to. † However, this was to no avail. She is still without much money and, though she was married to a rich man, has accomplished not nearly as much as Nora has. Her duty appears to have been directed toward herself and her own enrichment via marriage to a wealthy man. She has demonstrated no strength in her duty toward him in maintaining (or even adding to) the wealth that they once possessed. Nora again proves herself more able even than her husband to control situations—and the success she demonstrates a determination born of her dutiful characteristics. It is here, however, that her dutifulness shifts from her husband toward herself. Even though Torvald does find out about the loan, she discovers his true colors and is no longer led by his desires or taken in by his sweetness. He tempts her with all his charms and fails. He declares at first when the truth comes out, â€Å"you have inherited- no religion, no morality, no sense of duty,† yet a few minutes later when he receives the forged note he says, â€Å"I know that what you did was all for love of me. † He shows want of tact and quick-wittedness to effect a recovery, and Nora’s reason allows her to see this. Meanwhile, her new-found duty toward herself gives her the strength to leave him. She acts in her own best interest, though societal norms and her love for Torvald would have dictated that she remain. In the two plays, Nora and Antigone prove to be the most dutiful characters. While Creon, Mrs. Linde, Torvald and Ismene demonstrate very little (or selfish) duty, Nora and Antigone demonstrate a self-sacrificial duty that stems from loyalty and love of their families. They are willing to do what they feel they must, though odds are pitted against them, and they act even though they may fear the consequences. The events of the two plays Antigone and A Doll’s House are driven by the dutiful figures (Antigone and Nora) that are able to perform feats despite not having the real power to do so. Their duty drives them to accomplish these acts. Both leading characters’ unwillingness to allow events to deny them of their desires to help their family demonstrates the depth to which their loyalty ran, and they prove themselves more dutiful than others who accomplish less even with more resources. Works Cited Ibsen, Henrik. A Doll’s House. Trans. By William Archer. http://academics. triton. edu/uc/files/ dollshse. html. Sophocles. Antigone. Trans. By Ian Johnston of Malaspina Nanaimo: University-College, Canada, http://www. mala. bc. ca/~johnstoi/sophocles/antigone. htm Sophocles. Oedipus Rex. The Harvard Classics. http://www. bartleby. com/8/5/

Friday, November 8, 2019

How Dustin Stout Rocks Social Media Scheduling with Social Templates

How Dustin Stout Rocks Social Media Scheduling with Social Templates So you created a blog post. Good for you! If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably spent close to eight hours writing that literary masterpiece. You’ve got the perfect headline crafted, you’ve got great visuals sprinkled throughout the post, and you’ve probably got some great quotable moments throughout it just dying to be tweeted out. There’s only one thing left to do–schedule out all your social media promotion. Even the most brilliant and savvy social media managers dread this task. Why? Because it’s a crap-ton of work. And the more savvy you are, the more work you know it is to schedule the right posts, at the right times, on the right networks. But, dear friends, you no longer need to dread this arduous and tedious task. Our good friends at have liberated us from the tyranny of mass social status scheduling. With this one, glorious feature, you and I can be 1,000% more productive (rough estimate) at scheduling our literary masterpieces to be promoted on the social interwebs. In this post, I’m going to show you a handful of ways my team and I are taking advantage of a feature called Social Templates in the most effective ways possible. Following these tips and strategies will help you and your team save dozens (dare I say, hundreds) of hours and make your social promotion more effective. Heres how to use Social Templates in @like @DustinWStout from @warfarepluginsBefore I go straight into how we build our social templates, there’s a few things I think everyone needs to understand about the thought process behind them. Understand This: Every Network is Different One of the first things I often teach when talking about social media marketing is that you must never have a shotgun mentality. Forget trying to â€Å"spray and pray† one message across all the networks- it simply won’t work. Your content will sink, and your followers will tune you out. Each social network has its own culture and you need to treat it accordingly. A message you share on Twitter will not have the same success on Facebook or Google+. And a post that does well on Pinterest will not do as well on Reddit. The platforms serve different audiences with different content expectations and intents. Social platforms serve different audiences with different content expectations and intents.Suffice to say, you need to understand what types of content expectations the audience on each network has and then craft your messages accordingly. Understand This: Timing is Crucial and Different for Every Network There are two types of ideas I want you to understand here: Network posting volume Network peak hours Network Posting Volume Firstly, let’s take a look at what I mean when I say â€Å"Network Posting Volume†. Basically, each social network has a different tolerance for how much content should be shared in a given day. This is also referred to as posting frequency. each social network has a different tolerance for how much content should be shared in a given day.Some social networks naturally have an expectation of lower posting frequency while others have a higher posting frequency. Twitter, for example, is probably the highest volume social network. You can post 15-20 times a day and still be considered a â€Å"low-volume† tweeter in some circles. So for the sake of simplicity, our team has decided to list out each network and its daily posting frequency (or volume). Now, the given here is, of course, how much can your specific audience tolerate? Always run all these types of generalizations through your own audience filter. But if you don’t know where to start, this is a good place to do so. Now, the important thing to understand here as well, is that in the long-term promotion sense, lower-volume means you need to spend more time between resharing the same things. We’ll keep this in mind when we get to building our social template. Recommended Reading: Using Social Templates to Promote Your Content Faster What Are Peak Hours? In addition to each network’s volume you need to know when your social audience is most active. This will vary depending on your audience, so I’m not going to give one of those â€Å"Perfect Time to Post† tips. Instead, I highly recommend you use tools like Buffer’s Optimal Scheduling tool  or s Best Time Scheduling feature. Or go through s own epic blog post about the subject. Now, having covered these considerations, it’s clear that the task of content promotion is not an easy one. When you publish an epic blog post and you want to maximize its reach with your social networks you need to think about: How to craft a message unique for each social channel What time(s) to post it on each network for optimal reach How many times you need to share it on each network and how frequently to reshare it In the old days (as in a few months ago) this process would add an extra hour or more to the production of every single blog post. Not anymore. Setting Up ’s Social Templates for Maximum Effectiveness When announced Social Templates, it was like the heavens opened. I instantly saw that we were now able to maximize our content promotion with efficiency. I’m going to show you how we’ve broken down our own social templates. And all the efficiency geeks said: On top of being efficient with your promotion, we also want to be as effective as we can, being sure to create templates that will change based on the type of content we are promoting. Step 1: Know Your Content Categories Before you create a template, it’s important to know what categories of content you’re creating. If you follow a strict set of categories for your blog posts, this should be easy. You will want to create a different social template for every Category you post to. For example, here’s what ours look like on the Warfare Plugins blog: New Blog Post: Social Media New Blog Post: Content Marketing New Blog Post: WordPress New Blog Post: Blogging The reason for this is because your social templates will likely include posting to Pinterest Boards, Facebook Groups, or other targeted social channels. Having a template for each category means you don’t have to go in and specify the Board or Group for those specific channels every time- it’s already in place. So, for example, our New Blog Post: Social Media template has only Social Media Pinterest boards and Facebook Groups that get posted to. This takes one more step out of the equation when we go to apply the template to a new blog post. Step 2: Set Your Helpers Helpers were a real game-changer for us as well. Being able to set up our templates with custom-built helpers means we only have to write the message one time and have it applied to all the corresponding social media posts. The helpers we use are consistent across pretty much all of our templates (which also makes possible the duplicating of templates mentioned previously). I’ve come up with an â€Å"anatomy† so to speak of social messages. This was adapted from my own Anatomy of a Perfect Google+ Post. Our text helpers are as follows: {title} the title of the blog post {lead} usually an introductory sentence/paragraph at the beginning of the post that draws the reader in {summary} a brief summary of the post and what someone will get out of reading it {question} a question that is answered by the blog post {quote} a good quote from the article {pin-desc} a description specifically crafted for Pinterest {tweet} a custom tweet for the post {hashtag-1} most relevant hashtag for the article {hashtag-2} second most relelvant hashtag for the article From these 9 text helpers we can now create an infinite amount of social messages. For our templates, this usually means 29 different messages sent out over the first 30 days. There are then also a handful of Image Helpers that are applied to each template: {feature-img} the featured or primary image {pinterest-img} a Pinterest-optimized image (7351102) {pinterest-alt} an alternate Pinterest-optimized image (so we’re not pinning the same exact thing every time {quote-img} an image that features the quote we’ll use in our {quote} text helper {question-img} an image that features the question from the {question} helper {utility-img} if a blog post has a tutorial, infographic or some sort of utlitiarian image included {gif} because every goog blog post should have at least one animated gif Now, you may not always have every single one of the above types of images for every blog post, and that’s okay. You can always just use the same image multiple times for different helpers. These serve more as a guide rather than absolute necessity. Here is a hypothetical example of what a blank social template looks like in . Step 3: Schedule the Messages This is the most time-consuming step, but ultimately will save you the most time. After you do this, you never have to worry about scheduling your promotion ever again. The way we did it is we took one social network at a time and scheduled all of those out over the first 30 days. Then we went back through and did the next network. I won’t spend time telling you what times work best or what volume you should post for each network. s Lance Hendrickson already did a fantastic job at putting together a Social Media Posting Schedule Kit that I, myself, actually used as a starting point. So if you don’t know where to start with your audience, use that. You can always edit the templates later if you want to refine it based on your own results with your audience. How Will You Use Social Templates? With ’s new social templates, our content marketing game has been revolutionized, and yours can too. Not only can you save literally hundreds of hours of scheduling and planning time, but you can be more effective at it. Spend the time you’ll be saving wisely. Use it to engage with your communities and learn how to better serve them. The better you serve them, the more everyone will thrive.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Woodchucks

Woodchucks Maxine Kumin’s, Woodchucks provides perspective into the mind state of those influenced by nazi warfare. What begins as a seemingly humorous cat and mouse hunt, soon develops into an insatiable lust for blood. Kumin’s descriptive language provides the reader with the insight necessary to understand to the speaker’s psychology as they are driven beyond the boundaries of pacifism. The poem does indeed have a rhyme scheme, yet doesn’t conform to conventional forms of rhyme such as A, B, A, B, etc. Rather, each stanza seems to follow the order of A, B, C, A, C, B, which may not be apparent to the reader at first, but doesn’t hinder the poem’s effectiveness. The first stanza begins with the speaker describing their failed attempt at eliminating the pests. The first attempt was described as merciful: â€Å"The knockout bomb from the Feed and Grain Exchange was featured as merciful, quick at the bone;† however, the following lines offer a bit of humor to the chase as it seems the woodchuck has outsmarted the speaker as a result of their overconfidence: â€Å"and the case we had against them was airtight, both exits shoehorned shut with puddingstone, but they had a sub-sub-basement out of range.† This first stanza sets the stage for what would appear to be a humorous battle of wits between the speaker and the woodchucks. The following stanza continues in this vein with the cynical statement, â€Å"Next morning they turned up again, no worse for the cyanide than we for our cigarettes and state-store Scotch, all of us up to scratch;† however, those that follow are slowly indicative of the speaker’s mental deterioration. The statements of the food being eaten by the woodchucks are filled with bitterness as the language begins to resemble that of a killer. â€Å"They brought down the marigolds as a matter of course and then took over the vegetable patch nipping the broccoli shoots, beheading the carrots.† This is especi... Free Essays on Woodchucks Free Essays on Woodchucks Woodchucks Maxine Kumin’s, Woodchucks provides perspective into the mind state of those influenced by nazi warfare. What begins as a seemingly humorous cat and mouse hunt, soon develops into an insatiable lust for blood. Kumin’s descriptive language provides the reader with the insight necessary to understand to the speaker’s psychology as they are driven beyond the boundaries of pacifism. The poem does indeed have a rhyme scheme, yet doesn’t conform to conventional forms of rhyme such as A, B, A, B, etc. Rather, each stanza seems to follow the order of A, B, C, A, C, B, which may not be apparent to the reader at first, but doesn’t hinder the poem’s effectiveness. The first stanza begins with the speaker describing their failed attempt at eliminating the pests. The first attempt was described as merciful: â€Å"The knockout bomb from the Feed and Grain Exchange was featured as merciful, quick at the bone;† however, the following lines offer a bit of humor to the chase as it seems the woodchuck has outsmarted the speaker as a result of their overconfidence: â€Å"and the case we had against them was airtight, both exits shoehorned shut with puddingstone, but they had a sub-sub-basement out of range.† This first stanza sets the stage for what would appear to be a humorous battle of wits between the speaker and the woodchucks. The following stanza continues in this vein with the cynical statement, â€Å"Next morning they turned up again, no worse for the cyanide than we for our cigarettes and state-store Scotch, all of us up to scratch;† however, those that follow are slowly indicative of the speaker’s mental deterioration. The statements of the food being eaten by the woodchucks are filled with bitterness as the language begins to resemble that of a killer. â€Å"They brought down the marigolds as a matter of course and then took over the vegetable patch nipping the broccoli shoots, beheading the carrots.† This is especi...

Monday, November 4, 2019

One country in The Middle East (Egypt) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

One country in The Middle East (Egypt) - Essay Example Besides, Oman and Saudi Arabia are the neighboring nations. Dresch (2000) makes clear that â€Å"The Yemen is encircled by sea form the west, south and east† (p.43). One can see that Yemen’s nearness to the African continent and as the exit point of the Middle East Asia are crucial in international relationships. The ethnic makeup of Yemen includes Arabs and tribal people like Zaydis and Al-Akhdams. In addition, Islam is the most important religion in Yemen. Within Islam, there are two religious groups in Yemen: Sunnis and Shiites. So, this can be regarded as the primary religious division in Yemen. Unlike other Arabian nations, Yemen is not a religious republic, but a unitary parliamentary republic (presidential republic). Earlier, internal conflict due to the division of Yemen into North and South blocs was a serious problem. But unification of both the blocs into the Republic of Yemen reduced the further scope of internal problems. In the present condition, the inter nal conflict related to the Yemeni uprising (2011–2012) is a burning issue. Besides, violation of human rights and corruption are other problems faced by Yemen. Unlike other nations in the Middle East, Yemen is an underdeveloped nation. Blashfield (2012) states that, â€Å"It is now the poorest country in the Arab world† (p.4). To be specific, lack of infrastructure development and the rapid depletion of the existing oil deposits are the major problems which affects the economic development of Yemen. The Yemenis are inspired by the Arab Spring and the same resulted in the dethroning of Ali Abdullah Saleh. One can see that the Yemeni uprising resulted in the initiative to re-draft the constitution of Yemen. As pointed out, Yemen is not rich in oil deposits. Besides, the oil deposits in Yemen are showing rapid decrease in production. On the other side, lack of infrastructure development is hindering the scope

Friday, November 1, 2019

Marketing Case Study Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Marketing Case Study Analysis - Essay Example In this regard, a deeper understanding of what the relevance is of â€Å"marketing myopia† is can be gauged. In the analysis of this case study, Levitt (1975) suggested that the reason behind the downfall of the so-called â€Å"growing industry† is generally because of their myopic thinking culture. With this short – sighted vision of what the future of business may possibly offer, firms do collapse. It is indeed necessary to think outside the box and have a bigger picture of what is likely to happen in the industry. Also, he proposed that in order for business to thrive continuously, businesses must be customer – oriented instead of being too much occupied in developing, improving and producing goods and services. Likewise, he also suggested that marketing is needed and not just basically selling since marketing includes communicating the values that the products and services can possibly offer. This recommends that in order to avoid business failure in t he future, a proper implementation and execution of the strategies should come next to ensure the sustained business after such careful and balanced analysis and planning of the business context today and in the future. Introduction Starting a business involves risks since its success is never a guarantee. In reality, there are only slim chances of success in every business because only a few out of the total numbers of founded businesses do succeed. The U.S. Small Business Administration suggested that an estimation of over a half of the small businesses do fail within the first 5 years of their operation (Vetbiz Resource Center, 2009). There are many available print and online materials which try to explain why businesses fail. In the book entitled â€Å"Small Business Management,† Michael Ames (1983) suggested that the collapse of small businesses can be accounted by the following reasons: the entrepreneur’s lack of experience in handling business, poor inventory ma nagement, weak credit arrangement, excessive investment in fixed assets, insufficient capital to sustain the business needs, personal use of business funds, surprising growth in business as well as the poor and inconvenient location of business. On the one hand, there are two more reasons accounting to the collapse of business. According to Gustav Berle (1989) in the â€Å"Do It Yourself Business Book†, the increased competition in the market and the low sales are also reasons behind business failure. However, it is the case that businesses may have achieved a certain growth at one point in time which is followed by its collapse after. This failure of businesses, according to Theodore Levitt (1975), is not caused by the saturation in the market but mainly due to the short – sighted thinking culture of firms through having the illusion that such industries are growing. For Levitt (1975), the belief in the so – called â€Å"growth industry† should be reject ed since for him, such conviction is followed by complacency. With the belief in the â€Å"growth industry†, the businesses focus more on developing products and producing goods which they sell to the consumers. Nonetheless, these firms lose sight of what the real needs and wants are which can truly satisfy the customers. Given this, the focus of this paper mainly delves at critically analyzing the case of â€Å"